Thursday, February 22, 2018

Bloom's taxonomy of objectives- Affective domain

Bloom's taxonomy of objectives- Affective domain

Francis M Quinn described that it is the way the people react emotionally and their ability to feel on the other things. It includes values and attitudes. Values refer to the person's concept of what she or he considers desirable and attitudes are positive or negative feelings about certain things. 
They are five levels in the affective domain moving from low level to high level.

  1. Receiving
  2. Responding
  3. Valuing 
  4. Organization
  5. Characterization

In this level, the student passively or actively listens to the information. Without this level, no learning occurs. The verbs can be used are attends, listens and receives. 
For eg. The student listens to the patient during history collection.

The student actively participates not only listens but also responds to the information too.The verbs can be used are replies, respond, asks, confirms etc.
For eg. The student clarifies the doubt on the information of the patient by confirming with relatives. 

Here, the student attaches a value to an object, phenomenon or a piece of information. Verbs can be used are respects, regards, favors, recognizes and honors.
For eg. The student respects the belongings of the patient and uses for care instead of hospital supplies. 

The student put all the information together, relates, compares and differentiates and organizes together.
Verbs can be used are arranges, order, combine and modifies.
For eg. The student combines personal, family, social information together to study and work on the patient as 'individual' entity.

This is the highest level of knowledge and the student tries to build philosophies in the life based on the gained knowledge.
Verbs can be used are formulates, develops, innovates and articulates.
For eg. Based on the existing information of the patient, the student plans a complete care and able to execute successfully. 

Affective domain guides the student to innoculate new attitudes and modify the behaviors based on the situation and needs of the society.

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