Monday, October 21, 2019

Lived experience of disaster victims of South Indian floods 2015: To develop a Concatenated Disaster Crisis model using phenomenographical framework analysis

Lived experience of disaster victims of South Indian floods 2015: To develop a Concatenated Disaster Crisis model using phenomenographical  framework analysis

Published in: Indian Journal of continuing nursing education, 2018, 19(2), 44-53.


The 2015 South Indian floods resulted from heavy rain fall in November-December 2015. The South Indian states of Tamil Nadu, particularly Chennai and Andhra Pradesh were badly affected. The aim of the study was to investigate the lived experience of disaster victims of South Indian floods; developing a Concatenated Disaster Crisis model using phenomenographical framework analysis. A qualitative design with phenomenographic approach was used. This study focuses on investigating ‘how do people experience towards the natural phenomenon?’. The results are emerged from three phases of data collection after flooding: within 4 days, 4 months and 3 months subsequently with a total number of 22 samples. The steps followed are familiarization, compilation, condensation, preliminary grouping, preliminary comparison of categories, naming the categories and final outcome space. The results of the study are presented as categories of description and outcome space. Categories of description are typically expressed in the form of 10 categories named as ‘phases’ and description as ‘views’. Ten categories emerged: Disaster ‘expected, but not expected’, pseudo relief ‘save only life’, indolent ‘disaster victims’, reluctant ‘not willing to go back to reality’, empty nest ‘lost everything’, horn bill ‘look at help’, saturation ‘saturated with donated materials’, life initiation ‘start a life from zero point’, recovery ‘disaster becomes a nightmare’ and normal life phase ‘disaster becomes an anecdote’. The Concatenated Disaster Crisis model facilitates the nurses to identify the chain of experiences of victims with variations therein, plan the allocation of resources carefully and provide what the victims are in need. 

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