Thursday, January 11, 2018

Classification of educational objectives

Classification of educational objectives

Definition of educational objectives
Educational objectives are the guidelines to plan teaching-learning activities, in order to bring out desirable behavior modifications.

Classification of educational objectives based on the level of application
Here, educational objectives are classified into three:
  1. institutional or general objectives
  2. intermediate or departmental objectives
  3. instructional or specific objectives

Institutional or general objectives
These objectives are for the attainment of overall aim or objectives of the educational program. It is very broad and focused, to help the institution to achieve their aim.

Intermediate or departmental objectives
These are derivatives of institutional objectives in related to a subject matter and formulated b curriculum committee.  

Instructional or specific objectives
This is formulated by the teacher to achieve each learning-teaching activity. These are highly specific, precise and attainable.

Classification of educational objectives based on nature

The objectives are classified into three:
  1. central objectives
  2. contributory objectives
  3. indirect objectives 
Central objectives
These objectives are written for main topic or lesson. It aims for the overall development of learner and teacher.

Contributory objectives
These are written specifically to achieve central objectives. This aims to develop knowledge, abilities, skills, attitude, and interest among the students.

Indirect objectives
This helps to develop a moral attitude,  ideal behavior and certain understandings among the students along with the achievement of the educational program.

Classification of educational objectives based on the use
The objectives are classified into four:
  1. teacher-centered objectives
  2. subject-centered objectives
  3. learner-centered objectives
  4. behavior-centered objectives   
Teacher-centered objectives
These objectives are written down in relation to the teacher activity, which enables the teacher to bring out desirable changes in the behavior of the students.
Subject-centered objectives
These objectives will give significance to subject matter with an intention to produce knowledge among students.
Learner-centered objectives
These objectives are aiming for the overall development of learners through specific teaching-learning activities.

Behavior centered objectives
These aim at modification of behavior among the students to become a fruitful citizen in the society.
Qualities of educational objectives
  • It should be relevant to the needs of learner and society
  • It should be feasible and achievable by the students
  • The end results are able to measure
  • We should be able to observe the  progress towards the achievement of educational objectives
  • It should be consistent with educational activities

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