Sunday, October 25, 2015

Imogene King Theory of Goal Attainment 1971 (USA)

Imogene King Theory of Goal Attainment 1971 (USA)
Imogene King was born in 1923. She received her basic nursing education from St.John’s Hospital School of Nursing, Missouri and M.S. in nursing from St.Louis University and Ed.D from Colombia University. She also did her post doctoral study in research design, statistics and computers.
King’s ‘Toward a Theory for Nursing: General concepts of Human Behavior ‘was published in 1971 at the age of 48 years and ‘Theory of Nursing: systems, concepts and process’ in 1981. In 1997, King identified her framework as a conceptual system. The conceptual system includes goal, structure, functions, resources and decision making.  Here, the health as the goal of nursing, structure is three open systems, functions are demonstrated in relations of interaction and transaction. Resources include people, money and services for items needed to carry out specific activities. Decision making occurs when choices are made in resources allocation to support attaining system goals. The conceptual system is composed of three interacting system: the personal, interpersonal and social systems.
Personal system
The sub concepts are perception, information, energy, self growth and development, body image, apace, time and learning. King discusses perception as a process in which data obtained through the senses and from memory are organized, interpreted and transformed. The characteristics of self are the dynamic person, who is an open system and whose actions are oriented. The growth and development is the process in people lives through which they move from potential for achievement to actualization of self. Body image is characterized as very personal and subjective. The space is a physical area known as territory and by the behaviors of those who occupy it. She defines time as interval between the4 two events that is experienced differently by each person. She stated that when personal systems come in contact with one another, they form interpersonal systems.
Interpersonal system
The sub concepts are interpersonal relations, communication, interaction, transaction, role and stress. King included interpersonal relations as a concept of interpersonal system. Interaction is defined as the observable behavior of two or more persons in mutual presence. Communication involves the exchange of information between persons. Transaction is a series of exchanges between human being and environment. The role has three elements such as a set of expected behaviors in the social system, a set of rules with a position and relationship of two or more persons who are interacting in a particular situation. King defines stress as an ever changing condition in which as individual, through environmental interaction, seeks to keep equilibrium to support growth and development and activity. These interpersonal systems join together to form layer systems known as social system.
Social system
The sub concepts are social organization, role, status, authority, power, decision making and control. An organization is characterized by a structure that orders positions and activities and ruled by individuals who make use of resources to meet organizational goals. King defines authority as an active, reciprocal process of transaction in which the actor’s experience, understanding and values influence the meaning, legitimacy and acceptance of those in organizational positions associated with authority. Power includes organizational capacity, to use resources to meet goals. Decision making is defined as the orderly process through which choices related goals are made among identified possible activities. From the above mentioned conceptual model, she derived the theory of goal attainment.
King’s theory of goal attainment
The original concepts of theory are interaction, perception, communication, transaction, self, role, stress, growth and development, time and personal space. Interaction is the observable verbal and non verbal goal directed behaviors of two or more people in mutual presence and includes perception and communication. Interaction brings different ideas, attitudes and perceptions to the exchange called transaction. Perception is the reality as seen and experience by the individual. The elements of perception are the importing of energy from the environment and organizing it by information, transforming energy, processing, storing and exporting information.
Role is defined as set of behaviors, decision making is the process of making choices from the many available choices and health is goal of nursing. King indicates the outcome is an individual’s state of health or ability to function in social roles. From the theory of goal attainment, she has developed predictive propositions that a) perceptual accuracy, role congruence and communication leads to transaction 2) transaction leads to goal attainment 3) goal attainment leads to satisfaction and effective nursing care.
The theory is useful, testable and applicable to nursing practice. It is widely generalized and not situation specific. It is based on the review of literature and provides the reader with a set of resources for further study. Her work provides nursing with an excellent example of profession.

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