Friday, October 24, 2014

MUDD Mapping (My Understanding through Dialogue and Debate)

It is an acronym for My Understanding through Dialogue and Debate. It is an innovative, interactive teaching learning activity where the main participant is the learner and the central activity is dialogue.


To bring learners together so that they can engage in purposeful dialogue to achieve sustained understanding of a subject matter.

It reflects the five principles of adult learning by knowledge. 
These principles are self concept, experience, readiness to learn, orientation of learning and motivation to learn. Every word in the acronym MUDD is intentionally assigned by Kay Barrington.

M’ implies that the learner will take ownership for learning. It also reflects the learner’s acquisition of knowledge.
U’ refers to understanding of the subject by the learner.
D’ invites the individuals to share their ideas, views, positions and propositions. It is the expression of understanding about a concept.
D’ involves a higher level of thinking including critical thinking exercises. It is used when a learner has sufficient knowledge to enter a debate with another learner on a same concept with a different point of view.

MUDD mapping is very effective method learning by the learners and it can foster the partnership of teaching and learning.

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